Browsing All Posts filed under »Artificial Intelligence«

Birds of a Feather…

March 3, 2011 by


Or, in this case, birds made of 1’s and 0’s. Based off of a flocking algorithm written in 1986 by Craig Reynolds, this visualization shows how collective intelligence can be modeled by giving individual entities simple decision making procedures and letting them interact. The post’s author (Harry Brundage) lists a whole suite of applications, from […]

Intelligence and emergence: futurama, rat neurons, and the blue brain

February 15, 2011 by


When I was a kid I learned that our bodies were host to a large (10^14) number of bacterial flora.  After that I became sort of obsessed with the idea that to those bacteria, my gut was like the earth is to us humans (this theme is explored in greater depth in the Futurama episode […]